Let's Do This!

Toddler Moms, Can You Relate?


❌ Envisioning a train wreck at the library, with your children throwing books, knocking over other kids’ toys, and running around when a story is being read by the librarian -  resulting in a “mom car cry” where you question going back next week.


❌ Telling your kids they can’t go to the beach and must stay in today because yesterday they were pushing each other, fighting over toys, and screaming when you asked them to be safe near the water, and refused to leave the beach.


❌Feeling like an overstimulated mess trying to check emails, cleaning up a milk spill, wrangling a toddler out of the dog food, while the other toddler is climbing your leg and whining, and constantly having to stop what you are doing to check on them. 


You don’t need to reinvent parenting or piece together a bunch of different "parenting tips" on social media. 

Nosey neighbors or family members will always be putting in their 2 cents...this approach is confusing and discouraging when you don’t see results.

Your parenting style is unique, and you know your children best. You deserve easy, customizable strategies tailored to your specific toddlers’ personalities and learning stages. 


with "Meltdown Mastery"

You get 12 days of my best listening methods and my meltdown toolbox sent straight to your email!

Yes, it really is possible to have less meltdowns and more milestones!

  • Easy lessons sent straight to your inbox, no log-in or password needed!
  • My ABC and Request Praise Methods so your toddlers will listen the first time.
  • 2 SECOND SOLUTIONS to get your toddler to stop engaging in stressful behaviors like throwing, hitting, and screaming. 
  • Real Life Examples and Video Clips so you can understand how to implement the simple strategies yourself with your toddlers.
  • Day 9 includes the complete toolbox and all downloads links in an organized and easy access format.

Get Results Today!





I'm Heather Schalk

I'm a twin mama and the founder of "Meltdown Mastery". I have my masters in education and have taught pre-k through 9th grade in the classroom for ten years. My passion is helping moms get their toddlers to listen in 2 seconds and end meltdowns fast so they can have more meaningful moments with their little ones and a joyful relationship with fun and laughter!

"I loved the thought put into this. Time gets away as a twin mom so having the learning bins put together ahead of time helps to ensure we are taking time to learn new things each week."

- Kelsey N.

"Intention is the key when raising twins because you have two different little people. Heather's program is rooted in intentional, connected play. She teaches you how to create organic learning opportunities and raise happy, healthy twins ready to learn at their own pace"

- Cara T.

"I love what you are doing here, creating the community and support systems that so many of us go without."

- Emmeline F.

Get Meltdown Mastery Today!


Less Meltdowns, I'm in!