
September 2024 Cohort, Early Bird Pricing.


Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior into a Calm, Kind and Caring Toddler.


Six Transformative Sessions for Toddler Parents, Grandparents or Caretakers/Educators seeking a joyful family, a happier toddler, and siblings getting along!

Unlock Peaceful Parenting

Reset Aggressive Behavior and Power Struggles and Reconnect to the Joyful Family you know is waiting for you...


Countless experts and books preach patience, and they're not wrong – but when your little one's tantrums turn your living room into a pint-sized battlefield, you need more than patience...


You need a plan. The 'Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior and Tantrums' Collaborative Sessions is that plan.


Designed for busy moms ready to turn chaos into calm, it's your step-by-step guide to nurturing a calm, kind, and caring toddler.


Say goodbye to the days of shouting matches and power struggles and hello to the laughter-filled afternoons you all deserve.

Yes to Calm over Chaos

Featured On:

From Having Your Buttons Pushed and Toddler Power Struggles




Every parents' dreams of the day their home transforms from a scream-filled battleground to a peaceful sanctuary.


By joining us in Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior and Tantrums Collaborative Sessions, you'll transition from:


  • Power struggles that leave you both exhausted and exasperated.
  • Constant Aggressive behaviors like (hitting, throwing, biting, kicking, hair pulling)
  • Boundary testing that undermines your rules at every turn (they aren't working and creating a viscous cycle
  • Button-pushing that's pushing you to the edge (unsafe and stressful behavior that triggers you!)
  • Tantrums from boundaries that lead to even more boundary-crossing 


  • Collaborative problem-solving that strengthens your bond.
  • Empathy-led interventions that stops aggression in it's tracks, gently.
  • Consistent and strategic boundaries that are understood and upheld.
  • Intentional interactions that neutralize the incessant button-pushing.
  • Tantrum de-escalation techniques that return peace to your household.
Take the Path to Peace!

These Toddler Parents took the leap!

I have an amazing opportunity, if your a toddler parent or caretaker and your exhausted of power struggles and tantrums with your toddler, this is for you!


If you want to:

✔️stop power struggles and tantrums even if holding boundaries isn’t currently working for you 

✔️want to have a more connected a peaceful relationship with your toddler and bring the family more joy including your toddler’s siblings 

✔️stop aggressive and button pushing behavior in its tracks 

I'll Take it!

The Collaborative Sessions Break Down

Week 1 - Onboarding

Wednesday September 11th &12th

  • Everything you need to get started, Zoom links, emails, and replay vault with resources. 
  • Onboarding Form or option for a 15 minute 1:1 Welcome Call

Week 1 - The Foundation

Thursday September 12th

  • Establish a new understanding of your toddler's behavior as a language of needs.
  • Implement calming techniques that prevent power struggles before they start.
  • Craft a personalized action plan that turns 'Code Red' moments into 'Green for Growth' opportunities.

Week 2 - Communication and Control

Thursday September 19th

  • Master the art of non-verbal communication to connect with your toddler during tantrums and meltdowns.
  • Gain the tools to guide aggressive outbursts into constructive energy.
  • Begin to build a bridge of trust that makes button-pushing a thing of the past.

Week 3 - Boundaries and Behavior

Thursday September 26th

  • Set boundaries with confidence and compassion, creating a safe space for exploration and learning.
  • Replace reactive discipline with proactive guidance that respects your toddler's growing independence.
  • Learn the secret to strategic consistency that maintains peace and curbs tantrums.

Week 4 - Sustainable Solutions and Support

Thursday October 3rd

  • Develop a toolbox of long-term strategies to foster emotional intelligence and self-regulation.
  • Customize a sustainable routine that aligns with your family values and your toddler's temperament.
  • Access ongoing support to ensure the transition from turbulent to tranquil continues to thrive.

Week 5 - Sustainable Solutions and Support

Thursday October 10th

  • Develop a toolbox of long-term strategies to foster emotional intelligence and self-regulation.
  • Customize a sustainable routine that aligns with your family values and your toddler's temperament.
  • Access ongoing support to ensure the transition from turbulent to tranquil continues to thrive.

Week 6 - Get all Your Questions Answered

Thursday October 17th

  • Coaching from Heather and a special guest speaker

 The Process

Transformative Steps to Toddler Harmony

Step 1 - Understand and Empathize

  • Dive deep into the 'why' behind your toddler's challenging behavior, fostering empathy and connection.

Step 2 - Communicate and Connect

  • Develop new communication techniques that go beyond words to create understanding and mutual respect.

 Step 3 - Guide and Grow

  • Learn to gently guide your toddler's behavior, fostering growth, and learning from each interaction.

The Results

Your Blueprint to a Balanced Toddler Life

Calm Confidence

  • Walk away with the confidence to handle any tantrum or aggressive or button-pushing behavior, knowing you have the knowledge and tools to navigate it with the most effective strategies so you can stay calm.

Stronger Bonds

  • Forge a deeper bond with your toddler through understanding and empathy, transforming your relationship.
  • Repair family bonds, sibling relationships and parent/child connections and have more joy and peace in your home. 

 A Toolkit for Tomorrow

  • Equip yourself with a toolkit of strategies and techniques to support your toddler's emotional and behavioral development for the years to come.

"Is this normal or just a phase?"


Often, toddler parents ask me, "Is this normal?" or "is this just a phase?" when talking to me about their toddlers' behavior?


The real question we should be asking is...


"How can we support your toddler with their development and manage stressful situations like "hitting" a sibling?"


Picture this scenario:

You are trying to uphold boundaries and find positive moments and give praise but it's not working...

You're doing everything the experts suggest but this is STILL HAPPENING: 

  •  Your toddler is engaging in unsafe behavior such as Touching a Hot Stove or jumping off the couch
  • Sibling quarrels like pulling each others hair when your cooking and something will burn if you step away 
  • Your Toddler is acting out (Biting, hitting, screaming) when your attention is elsewhere like when trying to feed the baby
  •  Your Toddler is Throwing toys and you are not able to stop them and remedy/control the situation because you are either outnumbered or the environment isn’t easily controlled (e.g. too many toys, like playing whack-a-mole
  • Time-Ins or Time-Outs are not working and the behavior seems to be worse after!


It's understandable feeling like you tried everything and nothing is working, it's only making things worse!


You are stuck in a Toddler Reactivity Loop!

Say No More, I'm In!

Have you entered the Family Fracture Phase?


The words we use to or about our children can shape their inner voices and stories for the rest of their life. 


Wonderfully caring, empathetic, self-aware parents can fall into this phase, when the circumstances get really challenging. Here are some tipping points that can start the phase:


  • new baby with toddler and multiple kids
  • raising twins or multiples
  • lack of sleep, routines thrown off
  • work, financial pressures, burn-out
  • rift in parenting relationship or disagreement in parenting styles
  • lack or collapse in support systems
  • aggressive toddler behavior and family injuries
  • Big life events or changes
  • Sometimes it can be multiple of these things combined together


The Family Fracture Phase is a period where the family structure is heavily tasked and at risk of breaking apart without proper interventions.


While other families can do fun trips, and have a strong family bond and relationship, you will have carried the reaction based parenting rooted in survival mode, and your child will form self-regulation, social skills and behavioral cycles and patterns based off of these prolonged tough times into their early childhood and school aged years. 


Even if your toddler does grow out of the phase, why prolong it 6 months to a year or two when your toddler could get the support they need now AND your family relationships could be so much HEALTHIER within a few days to weeks? What would that do for you?

Let's Collaborate!

Transform Aggressive Behavior, Button Pushing and Power Struggles to a Calm, Kind, and Caring Toddler and More Joyful Family!

When you sign up for the Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior and Tantrums to a Kind, Calm, and Caring Toddler you will receive:

Onboarding, -1:1 Welcome call or google-form (value $50)

-6 Collaborative Sessions over 6 Weeks, 9/12-10/17 (value $200)

-Access to my Toddler Resource library, the VIP VAULT (value $120)

EARLY BIRD Bonuses (expire 8/31/2024):

-Bonus 1: One individual VIP 45 minute check -in call (value $200) 

-Bonus 2: Subscription to Paid Newsletter for 2024 (value $28)

Value: $475

Today's Investment: $247

 *Want VIP and an Individual Toddler Plan and 60+ page PDF Book? Get VIP Here!

Save your Spot

Meet Your Toddler Tantrum and Behavior Guide:


Heather is the Founder of Heather Schalk Parenting, a Twin Mama, Toddler Toolkit Podcast Host, Teacher for 10 years (pre-k through 9th grade), specialization in behavior, with her M.Ed.


 Heather's passion is helping moms of toddlers who have disruptive tantrums develop proactive and 'in the moment' strategies to Transform their toddlers disruptive tantrums, aggressive ‘button-pushing’ behavior into a Calm, Kind and Caring Toddler so you have a joyful family and enjoy motherhood.

The Teaching Preview

Heather loves to support parents to transform their home life to be their best with their toddlers! 


Are You the Right Fit for This Transformation?

This program is designed for moms who:

  • Are exhausted from daily power struggles and need effective, no-nonsense solutions.
  • Want clear, actionable steps to manage aggressive toddler behavior without the guesswork.
  • Need proven strategies to establish boundaries that their toddler will understand and respect.
  • Are ready to replace the constant button-pushing with peaceful cooperation.

Real Strategies for Real Moms – No Fluff, Just Restorative Change:


Gone are the days of generic advice that leaves you more bewildered at bedtime than your toddler.

Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior and Tantrums is the espresso shot your parenting routine needs.

Developed by a seasoned educator with first-hand experience in childhood behavior and a twin toddler mama that *REALLY* 'GET'S IT!

This program offers a fresh, innovative and supportive evidence-based approach that cuts through the noise and none-sense.

It's structured for the busy and sleep-deprived mom in mind—practical, accessible, and designed to turn your longest days into your best moments.


Transform Aggressive Behavior, Button Pushing and Power Struggles to a Calm, Kind, and Caring Toddler and More Joyful Family!

When you sign up for the Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior and Tantrums to a Kind, Calm, and Caring Toddler you will receive:

-Onboarding, September 2024 - 1:1 call or google-form (value $50)

-6 Collaborative Sessions over 6 Weeks, 9/12-10/17 (value $200)

-Access to my Toddler Resource library, the VIP VAULT (value $120)

EARLY BIRD Bonuses (expire 8/31/2024):

-Bonus 1: One individual VIP 45 minute check -in call (value $200) 

-Bonus 2: Subscription to Paid Newsletter for 2024 (value $28)

Value: $475

Today's Investment: $247

*Want VIP and an Individual Toddler Plan and 60+ page PDF Book? Get VIP Here!

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