


Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.

Hi, I'm Heather, founder of Meltdown Mastery: The Listening and Skilled Toddler

Teacher for Ten Years Turned Twin Toddler Momma! My passion is helping twin moms and toddler moms, get their toddlers to listen in 2 seconds and to build the beautiful bond between mom and toddler šŸ™‚

Iā€™m all about being real! And sharing when Meltdowns do happen and what we do to overcome them to help foster and parent more Resilient & Self Regulated Toddlers, which in many ways is education for the parent including myself! Iā€™m a life long learner!

You can check out my free guides atĀ

or find me on Instagram @twinmom_roadmap

If your a twin mom, I have a cozy and friendly FB group community where we share resources and double the laughter, join here!



How I Can Help!

Ā Navigating twin toddlers with my previous ten years experience as a teacher has led me to share with you, Meltdown Mastery: The Listening and Skilled Toddler.

Positive changes in your toddler's behavior become a regular joy. Imagine having a toddler who listens intently, experiences fewer meltdowns, and shows improved behavior consistently.

This isn't about short-term results; it's about fostering long-lasting skills and understanding that not only benefit your toddler but also bring peace to your home.

Maybe you've tried methods in the past that didn't quite hit the mark. What you might need are just a few adjustments to better resonate with your child's unique needs.

Even if you felt like achieving this balance was out of reach, I'm here to tell you it's entirely possible. Fewer struggles and more harmony.

My mission is to share these three crucial steps that are getting left out of most trending parenting advice!

Quick, easy, customizable methods that are adaptable to a variety of situations so you can finally STOP the scroll and Know Exactly what to do in even the toughest situations. Want to learn how to do it?

Meltdown Mastery helps you feel confident about parenting while benefiting from a listening toddler that has less meltdowns.


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"Just the first 5 days alone of Meltdown Mastery was life-changing"

Amy F.

"Thank you for letting us know what to do in even the toughest situations.

Jodi J.Ā