
"Is this normal?"


Often, toddler parents ask me, "Is this normal?" when talking to me about their toddlers' behavior?


The real question we should be asking is...


"How can we support your toddler with their development and manage stressful situations like "hitting" another child?"


Picture this scenario:

Last week, you were at the library, and your toddler created a little chaos:


  • knocking books off the shelves
  • grabbing toys from other kids


It's understandable if you're feeling apprehensive about your next library visit. But remember, you don't have to face these challenges alone. Let's explore this together and find positive, practical solutions.


Say No More, I'm In!

Imagine this...


You reach out to me for guidance.


What happens next?


You message me for help: you get my exact script on what to do and say (and I message it to you).


You go to the library and things go well for the most part, but then your toddler throws a book...


You remember I messaged you EXACTLY what to do if your toddler throws a book and you do it!

Your toddler listens and not only that, they share a toy with another child instead of grabbing a toy.

You leave the library feeling like "you got this!" and know exactly what to do the next time, making overwhelming turn to simplicity and ease. 


I'll Take it!

My method is not about being a helicopter parent.


It's about helping your child learn appropriate behaviors and skills so they learn independence, so you can enjoy home life and more outings with your toddler.


This improves your family life, and even your marriage or partnership but MOST importantly the relationship with yourself.


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About Heather


Heather Schalk is the Founder of Meltdown Mastery, a Twin Mama, Toddler Toolkit Podcast Host, Teacher for 10 years (pre-k through 9th grade), specialization in behavior, with her M.Ed.


 Heather's passion is helping moms with their toddlers so they can have more meaningful moments with their little ones and a joyful relationship with fun and laughter. So toddlers can have the skills they need to be a happy little individual!