Free Workshop

 Toddler Mom Workshop to LESS PUBLIC TANTRUMS  in 3 Simple Steps!

Kajabi Template and Kajabi Themes

Discover the 3 Most Important STEPS to Less Public Tantrums

😎 Get my "Public Tantrum Game-Plan"

⏯️ Fast Action Toddler Listening Methods

😢Toddler Disappointment Formula to reverse "I wanted that", "I don't want to wait" or  "I didn't get my way" tantrums.

📆 Get my BONUS: Get my "Happy Winter Toddler Routine" + Fun and Creative Indoor Play Ideas when you sign up because it's still cold ❄️ outside for many toddler mamas!

Sign up for the Workshop!


Kajabi Template and Kajabi Themes


Kajabi Template and Kajabi Themes

"What I thought was the most important part of your program was where you talked about the importance of communication as a way to mitigate stressful meltdowns. Also, how labeling feelings and helping to expand the toddler vocabulary helps them so they can understand and express their needs."


Kajabi Template and Kajabi Themes

"It’s getting better with the screaming. We are giving them praise and using their words. We are working on making time for each. My toddlers just started this week saying “my turn“ and we talk about waiting for our turn several times a day."


Kajabi Template and Kajabi Themes

MEET Heather Schalk

Founder of Meltdown Mastery

Heather Schalk is the Founder of Meltdown Mastery, a Twin Mama, 🎙️Toddler Toolkit Podcast Host, Teacher for 10 years (pre-k through 9th grade), specializing in behavior with her M.Ed.


Heather's passion is helping moms with tough toddler tantrums and behaviors (hitting, kicking, throwing) so they can have more meaningful moments with their little ones. This creates a joyful relationship with MORE fun and laughter while giving toddlers the skills they need to be happy self-regulated little individuals!

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